Graveyard Services 2024

Sunday 7th July ~ Conwal Graveyard ~ 4 pm

Monday 8th July ~ Aughaninshin Graveyard ~ 7 pm

Sunday 14th July ~ Old Leck Graveyard ~ 3 pm

Sunday 14th July ~ New Leck Graveyard ~ 4 pm

  • If you are fit and able, it is always a good idea to walk out to Conwal!
  • Please note that there will be no vehicular access to the upper section of the graveyard..
  • The car park inside the graveyard wall will be reserved for those who are mobility impaired, unable to walk far/have breathing difficulties: please show courtesy and refrain from parking here from 1.30 pm Sunday so that the car park can be available for those who cannot walk far.
  • Please follow the direction of Gardaí and stewards for parking along the roadside and, if it is dry, the field will be made available on the lower side of the road. 

Regarding the Graveyard Service at Leck.

  • Prayers at Old Leck will take place at 3 pm; at New Leck they will begin at 4 pm sharp.
  • Parking is very limited at Leck: please walk if you have the health to do so. Please follow the direction of Gardaí and stewards for parking along the roadside.
  • There will be a retiring collection at the gates for the upkeep of the graveyards

Please place old wreaths, etc. in the skips provided and do not discard any material along walls or hedgerows.  It would be appreciated if dogs were not brought further than the entrances. 

Please remember that the skips at our Graveyards are not for the dumping of household rubbish.

Thank You,

Fr. Kevin Gillespie, Administrator


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