The Divine Mercy Prayer Group will meet every Tuesday evening at 8.15 pm in the Divine Mercy Centre Chapel. The group prays in front of the image of Divine Mercy, asking the Lord Jesus for many intentions for each other, for the community and for the whole world.
There is a Divine Mercy Holy Hour in the Cathedral every third Tuesday of the Month.
New members are always welcome.
Divine Mercy Sunday (The Sunday after Easter Sunday) has grown year after year in our Parish with people coming from all parishes to join with us as we ask Our Heavenly Father to have mercy on us and on the whole world.
A Divine Mercy Centre under the guidance of the ‘Sisters of Merciful Jesus’ is up and running in Letterkenny, (formerly the Loreto Convent).
Information on Divine Mercy Retreats can be obtained by request at the Reception Desk in the Divine Mercy Centre or by phoning: 0749169934 or by emailing: dmcletterkenny@gmail.com
‘Jesus, I trust in You’