Christmas Eve: 4pm, 6pm, 7.30pm, 9pm, 12 Midnight Christmas Day: 8am, 9.30am, 11am, 12.30pm Seats are now FULLY BOOKED Please remember to join with us on our Parish webcam: We ask people’s understanding as many are not able to enter the Cathedral for Christmas Mass. Resources for you to follow Mass from home and...

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The Cathedral have produced a pack of five CHRISTMAS CARDS (€5 per pack).  The Recipient’s intentions are included in all Masses in the Cathedral from 25th December until 1st January.  The cards are ON SALE in the Sacristy and Parochial House   Cards are also ON SALE in Veritas, Main Street; Macs Mace, High Road,...

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Opening Hours

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November Fast for the Holy Souls in Purgatory

FAST FOR THE SOULS IN PURGATORY Raphoe Mission have organised a fast to run throughout November for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. As we know, the Holy Souls need our prayers and sacrifices to help them get the last step to Heaven. We are asking that you would commit to one day (or more if...

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Corona Virus Prayer

Most Glorious Queen of Heaven and Mother of God, You whom the Blessed Trinity has crowned with unequalled glory. You are the Sovereign Queen over all God’s creation. I place myself and all loved ones under the power,  protection and sovereignty of your Crown. Under the protection of your crown I will fear no other...

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Modified Level 3 Covid-19 Restrictions from 1st December 2020 The faithful may be present for Mass and other liturgies from 1st December. The same limits and protocols apply as when we opened on 29th June:  N.B.: Sunday Mass Times: Vigil: Saturday 6pm; 7.30pm. Sunday 8am; 9.30am; 11am; 12:30pm, 6pm Because of the limited number of...

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Parish Details

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THANK YOU Every fundraiser needs a good idea and a good organiser, and then commitment and generosity. This year, we wanted to commit, despite the circumstances, to having a youth team from NET ministries. It’s a big commitment in our current circumstance, but one we think is important to continue the work that has been...

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Masses begin again

Deo gratias! From June 29th, we will be able to gather again for Mass. Our long Lent and difficult Easter is over! The Mass means everything to us. As the early martyrs said: without Sunday we cannot live! Please get this information to those who do not have internet access. o Sunday Masses begin on...

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June the Month of the Sacred Heart

In the apparitions to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Jesus gives these twelve promises for those who are devoted to His Sacred Heart. I will give them all the graces necessary for their state of life. I will establish peace in their families. I will console them in all their troubles. They shall find in My...

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