Mary’s Meals Online Quiz
Mary’s Meals Online Quiz Mary’s Meals feeds 2,058,0993m children in 19 countries every school day. An Online Quiz to support its work takes place on the last Friday of each month at 8pm. To register go to www.bit.ly/QuizforMM or contact Martin Colfer 087 2596159
Letterkenny Christmas Annual 2021
LETTERKENNY CHRISTMAS ANNUAL 2021 Dear Friends/Supporters, This lock-down is perhaps a good time to get involved with the next edition of the Christmas Annual, the 40th! Thank you for your support in the past. The Christmas annual, launched in 1982, has a strong commitment to retain that important link with the Letterkenny of the past,...
2021 Holy Week Schedule
A Message from the Administrator for Holy Week followed by the Cathedral Holy Week Schedule. As anyone with any religious sensitivity will know, it is contrary to the very nature of sacred worship that the doors of a church should be closed on the people for whom it is offered; it is not called public...
St. Patrick’s Day 2021 Mass Times
Mass Times: 7 pm vigil, 8 am, 10 am, 11 am (Irish) and 12 noon

Triduum in honour of St. Joseph
To mark the year dedicated to St. Joseph (8th December 2020 – 8th December 2021), and to celebrate his Feast on 19th March, we will have a Triduum in honour of St. Joseph this week on Thursday 18th, Friday 19th and Saturday 20th. At 10am Mass the celebrant will reflect on a different aspect of...